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Everlight has benefited several LED streetlights contracts from mainland Chinese provinces of Guangdong, Jiangsu, Sichuan and Hebei in addition to talks with the mainland’s big retailers over promoting the company’s LED light bulbs in the mainland. These contracts are under the mainland’s subsidization program for consumptions of indoor and outdoor LED lights.
According to Everlight Chairman Y.F. Yeh ,the mainland poses lucrative business opportunity for LED streetlgihts, given Jiangsu Province’s contracts to buy RMB6 billion (US$952 million) of LED steetlights.
The company has signed an agreement to set up a joint venture in the province to tap the market. By the end of 2012, the joint venture plans to install 20,000 LED streetlights in the province, where the joint venture vows to shoot for a 50% market share. The two companies also plan to co-found a significant LED lighting application center in the mainland.
Additionally, Everlight has introduced a 100lm-watt streetlight, which is Taiwan’s first LED streetlight to measure up to the government’s CNS15233 standard and mainland China’s CQC standard.