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EVERLIGHT introduced several low, mid, and high power LED lighting components that adopted the LM80 test, in order to provide a broad range of high quality LED lighting components and strengthen EVERLIGHT’s concept of “The Right LED for The Right Application.”
Standardization has become a key factor in LED adoption in the global lighting market – not only in safety standards and performance standards but also more importantly, in reliability and lifetime testing. LM80 is the lighting standard by which all major LED manufacturers are complying with for lumen maintenance testing. It is a standardized test method of at least 6,000 hours and at certain controlled conditions that is required of all lighting LEDs so that each LED tested, regardless of manufacturer, can be judged against other tested LEDs on an equal scale and compared. led panel light.
As EVERLIGHT is one of the largest LED manufacturers in the world and Lighting is its main focus, all current EVERLIGHT Lighting LEDs will be fully tested by 2013. So far, 5 of the more popular EVERLIGHT Lighting LEDs have already completed LM80 testing. These LEDs range from low power (PLCC 3528 and 3020) to mid power (PLCC 5630) to high power (Ceramic 3535 and 3045) series. This gives EVERLIGHT’s customers a thorough lumen maintenance reference for each category of LED. These LEDs have been tested to a full 6,000 hours and three LED case temperatures by a fully accredited NVLAP laboratory. Official test reports are available upon request and will soon be posted to our website.
EVERLIGHT’s LEDs that will complete LM80 testing in 2013 are tested at higher case temperatures, higher driving currents, and with more CCTs. Under these criteria, EVERLIGHT can demonstrate the durability and consistency of its lighting LED products and provide confidence for our lighting customers.