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According to Korean media, the capital city Seoul has scheduled to install more LED lamps in public, and encourages the private sector to further expand the scope of installation.
LED products will be installed in public places including subway stations and streets. And the city government offices are planned to use LED light by the year of 2018, aiming for energy saving and promoting the development on LED lighting industry.
In addition, the government also extends this plan to the private sector by the year of 2030. It’s estimated that there are 800000 pieces LED lamp to be installed in public and 70000 pieces installed in private sector. It’s estimated to save electricity bills for $105 million per year.
What’s more, the government also intends to set up an intelligent lighting grid which contains 1.32 million energy saving streetlights. And to encourage the private sector to adopt LEDs, the city will provide a maximum of 1 billion won ($870000) loan with interest rate 2.5%.